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Timie.18 y.o.Pale-skinned.Boring.Quiet at home.Noisy outside.Lethargic.♥ surfing the net.Lazy.Bum.Crazy.Bipolar.


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Tuesday, December 18, 2007

well, as i was contemplating about what happened to our bunso, gia, and tardi, I've come to a conclusion and I know this is what i had been gone through before and now, it's gia's turn to go through this, that being hurt is a must for everyone to know our weaknesses and overcome it for us to be a better and stronger person. There are other realizations that i've come up to - that in every relationship, there should be a balance, a balanced amount of feelings between the couple...that some relationships end because one loves too much and the other loves too little...too many to mention...

It breaks my heart that some people who are close to me have to go through this. I know how it feels 'coz I used to be in their sitch, being hurt, crushed, broken, shattered and what usually causes it? LOVE...

It's not wrong to love someone so deeply, to love them more than you do with anyone in this world but the hard thing there is not being loved in return the same amount you've given them, not even half of it and loving them continuously eventhough they've already hurt and left you. It is something that needs a lot of effort to not let it go over you. It would surely feel like hell and you'd think it's the end of the world, maybe it is. Because the person we love became our world and then all of a sudden POOF!!! they're gone. Good for me coz I'm happy. I have Tin and she's all that I need to have. THANK GOD!!!

I'm still thinking of ways how to make Gia feel better but I'm finding a hard time to do it. Sure I had my ways before of moving on but it doesn't mean it would work for others. Maybe,all I can do now, together with the two ate's, is to never leave her side (not physically though) and to atleast try cheering her up in our little ways. Letting her feel that we're with her.

to our Bunso, we're just here for you...ate tim, ate tin, and ate jc...

cry your heart out till it pains no more...we love you...

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